Beauty tips for the care of face skin

Beauty tips for the care of face skin, the face which is said to be the mirror of the soul is the most visible part of our body but also one of the most exposed to all kinds of attacks. Therefore deserves special care every day of the year.

The ambient temperature, makeup, hormonal changes, including cell self-renewal make the skin reacts differently and suffer our face.
Beauty tips for the care of face skin

Although the makeup is a great partner for the skin of your face look perfect on your wedding day must continue constant care. The key to perfect skin is hydration, nutrition and protection. There are plenty of creams and gels with active ingredients covered by these three needs of the skin.

Here we give a few tips that will make your face look radiant:
  • Facial cleanliness is paramount to creams and gels that give optimal results. As facial skin is very delicate it is important to clean it twice a day with a cleanser applied with cotton or cleaning discs with a soft bristle brush.
  • Activate microcirculation of the skin is essential to win face brightness and smoothness. Carry out and upward circular motions with fingertips.
  • Drink two liters of water and follow a healthy diet based mainly on fruits and vegetables visibly improves skin health.
  • The snuff is a great enemy of the skin. It is proven that remains fresh and light.
  • Although the sun is a great source of vitamins, and unprotected exposures can cause stains and wrinkles, as well as drying and premature skin aging.
  • A facial two weeks before the wedding along with an intensive facial treatment will provide an extra luminosity and radiance to the face.

Beauty tips for hand care

Hands are one of the parts of our body most suffer external aggression. For the alliance to look great, it is essential to devote a lot of care into the hands during the days before the wedding, but mostly prevent dry skin.

The hands are going to be big players on your wedding day. Changes in temperature, exposure to cold and sun and the use of soaps and detergents can damage them and they need extra care.

Beauty tips for hand care

For your hands back the youth and softness, and only have to look impeccable follow these easy tips:
  • Wash your hands with warm water and make use of mild soaps.
  • exfoliate skin once a week. A natural exfoliate and is inexpensive body lotion mixed with sugar and yogurt.
  • The use of cream is essential to smooth and moisturize the skin of the hands, preferably those containing hydroquinone or vitamin C, and stimulate collagen form

Beauty tips for a perfect wedding makeup

Makeup, such as hair and other accessories, should enhance the beauty of the bride. It is therefore very important to have a test day before the ceremony. The basic rule when it comes to makeup: looking natural.

The ultimate goal of makeup is concealing defects and make the bride look radiant, whether you go for a classic style and modern one. What we ask the makeup? Do not run, to hold all day, not to show too ... If we want a perfect result we get in the hands of a professional with experience.

Beauty tips for a perfect wedding makeup

The quality of the products used and the correct application of these as well as a prior skin preparation are key to successful wedding makeup.
  • Before applying makeup the face should be relaxed. Take a lime or a glass of liquor, or put cold compresses to loosen the muscles.
  • The first step is to clean the skin thoroughly and apply toner and moisturizer 20 minutes before (the time it takes to be absorbed).
  • The spots and dark circles are covered with concealer, feathering several times with a brush that fits.
  • The base should be matte, preferably aqueous and a very similar tone to the skin. The compacts are perfect for seating the base and also provide a velvety finish very pleasing to the eye.
  • Colors (eye shadow, lipstick and rouge) must be in harmony with each other. Thus, the makeup will choose the color range by cold or warm colors. The selection of one or the other will be based on skin color and hair of the bride, but can also look for harmony with the flowers in the bouquet.
Usually the eyes are smooth lines, avoiding the pearly shades. To enlighten apply white shadows or vanilla, depending on skin tone, below the eyebrows. It is very important to define the eyebrows and apply a good mascara to enhance the look. We recommend the use of masks to counter possible waterproof tears. The latest trends are committed to the eyes marked with black or brown draftsmen and dark shadows. In this case, the lips must be very smooth.
  • Defined lips with a pencil, outside the boundary if we are to look bigger. Depending on how you eye makeup, lipstick will be more or less smooth, but always according to skin tone and hair. In any case avoid excessive glare and bet by the rods of long duration.
  • Lastly, the blisters get long lasting make-up perfect all day hold.

Wear gloves for wedding accessories

The gloves are still one of the most popular accessories for brides. Bring elegance and an air of sophistication and distinction. However, not all the dresses are designed to carry.

What woman has not ever imagine taking off a glove and made ​​Rita Hayworth in Gilda? Undisputed protagonists in the early 50's, the gloves were losing steam in 60.
Wear gloves for wedding accessories

Today they are not considered necessary but it is indisputable that the bride carries a certain mystery and clear the air very feminine. Long gloves also stylize arms.

Gloves can be short, medium or long; of stretch, fabric, lace, linen, natural silk, leather, embroidery and crochet even, bright or dull, plain or decorated with ribbons or rhinestones ...

The options are endless, but the decision to take should be based on the bride dress that will not only in their aesthetic tastes, since like other add-girlfriend, will become part of the whole and therefore must be in perfect harmony with the outfit chosen:
  • The degree of formality of the wedding dress and style marked the use of gloves.
  • The gloves must combine perfectly with the dress so it must be of a color and a similar tissue.
  • The wide neckline dresses or strapless are the best gloves to match. The longer the sleeve of the dress should be shorter glove.
  • At the time of the wedding ring exchange should remove them. However, long gloves have an opening to avoid the hassle of having to remove them to the bride.
  • The gloves are more appropriate for fall or winter wedding rather than for those held in hot weather.

Clothes Choosing for Brides

Bridal clothes is a complement and as such should be in line with the clothing and make the shape of the bride looks at its best. Here are some practical tips for choosing the lingerie you will wear on your wedding day.
Clothes Choosing for Brides

Bridal lingerie is a complement of great importance not only because it helps the main character of the wedding feel more beautiful, more perfect, more sensual and elegant, but also because it enhances your figure and shape of the dress.

But to meet chosen lingerie really committed to further improve your appearance must bear in mind the following points:
  • Underwear chosen should be the same color and shade as the dress, or as similar as possible. If the dress is white pay special attention to its various shades (ivory, cream, champagne ...), and likewise if it is red (purple, scarlet, burgundy ...)
  • The choice should always be done according to personal tastes of the bride, at any time without forgetting that above all, the linen must provide comfort, so it is best not to stray too far from the usual style. As for fabrics, deaneries by cotton, silk, microfiber or satin and avoid synthetic fabrics such as rayon (especially if the wedding is held in summer or hot seasons)
  • Bridal lingerie should praise our "virtues" and hide our "defects" for example hide the tummy and boost a weak chest. In this sense, bodysuits and corsets are perfect for brides plump.
  • For backless dresses, in the event that one does not wish to dispense with the use of the brassiere, the silicone bras straps are a good choice. Sometimes the dress has incorporated a few drinks.
  • For rapid-neck dresses, the most desirable are the supports "push up" that round and make the chest rise giving a nice way. In any case, the neckline of the dress should reveal the strapr or lace bra.
  • According to the chosen shoes, stockings or tights may be more or less fine, but always in silk.

Wedding Accessories: What shall I wear?

Jewelry, veil, shoes, headgear and other accessories of the bride are marked by the dress that will take your wedding day. Each style requires a few additions and a way to wear them.

Finally you dress! And now ... What? The wedding accessories are a key part of the look of brides. A few well-chosen accessories and enhance your beauty well combined and will make the dress look even more, however wrong choice will have the opposite effect.
Wedding Accessories: What shall I wear?

The most important rule when deciding the accessories you will wear on your wedding day is to remember at all times what their function: supplement. taking in mind the following tips sure to be right with your choice:

First find the dress that defines your style: romantic, modern, medieval, naive ... Then find the supplements.
decantation simple supplements, look much better than the showy or extravagant.
If you have them take them to the evidence of the dress, especially in the case of lingerie to see how the suit fits and how it takes the whole in your body. Pay special attention to the bust, must take a nice shape without overdoing it!
  • The hairstyle do you also mark the choice of earrings, necklaces, pendants and hair accessories. Of the latter, require special attention and mantilla veil, not fit for any pickup.
  • Generally bare wrists should be fine but a bracelet can give a touch of class. Only dresses strapless neckline is accepted, according to the protocol, one of the dolls adorn a bracelet or wristband.
  • Shoes are one of the add-ons that we should pay more attention. The basic rule to follow is "comfort above all." On the other hand depending on whether the wedding is morning or afternoon will be open from behind or type sandal, or parlor.
  • The bridal bouquet is one of the most lucid supplements. In defining its preparation must take into account not only the dress, but also your physical characteristics, type of ceremony and the time of year when you marry.

Essential wedding photos

The arrival of the bride to the church and the waltz are some of the most emblematic of all weddings and so are immortalized in photographs. Here we give a photo guide that can never fail you.

The photographs of a wedding brings together different moments of the happiest day of the couple as well as certain areas and situations known as "off the record" among which are the preparations for the bride and groom and then the link, pictures of the newlyweds somewhere nice, either a park, the beach, the countryside ...
Essential wedding photos

While this article focuses on those moments that should not be missed for the link and the banquet:
  • The arrival of the bride to the church: the bride down the car decorated with flowers and his entrance into the church.
  • The road to the altar, the bride walks arm in arm with his father to the altar. The guests watch expectantly.
  • The groom: groom's face, full of emotion, waiting at the altar to his future wife.
  • The arrival of the bride to the altar, the bride's father gives her daughter to her future husband. The glances of the couple are a very special moment.
  • The bride and groom during the ceremony: the crossing of glances between them and their parents.
  • The Rings: The exchange of rings is one of the most anticipated and one of the biggest laughs usually wake between the couple, family and guests.
  • "I do" certainly "yes" of the couple is the most beautiful and exciting moment.
  • The output of the Church of the newlyweds and the congratulations and greetings from relatives and guests.
  • The entry of the spouses to the banquet hall.
  • Cutting the wedding cake.
  • The waltz of the newlyweds.
According to the couple have arranged the banquet development may be other situations worthy of portraying the delivery of the bouquet and garter of the bride, delivery of the dolls on the cake or the auction of the groom's tie.

Tips and tricks get the best wedding photos

Speaking of wedding pictures we can not ignore the protagonists the couple. Objectives of the camera indisputable, the bride and groom do not conform to current typical boring portraits as can be.

In order for your wedding photos come out perfect, so important is to choose a good plan and prepare professional photo shoot in advance.
Tips and tricks get the best wedding photos

Meet with the photographer on several occasions is the most advisable, especially in the face of search locations, to define the photographic style you desire, and the remaining moments that you want portrayed.

But beyond what you can predefine, there are some aspects that you should take into account at the same time that you be making them the pictures:
  • Discover your "best side". Ensayad the mirror smiles, and prove your best poses and movements with which you depart to feel comfortable. So you will feel more relaxed during the photo shoot.
  • Keep watch your posture. Keep your back straight and shoulders back, lift the chin slightly and contract the abdomen are some gestures that will make you look more stylish.
  • Seek ye the planes more favorable. For example, if you are anch's hips discarded photos taken from below.
  • Vary on the bottoms of the pictures. Put everybody in the same corner that the photos will prove boring and impersonal.
  • shrink from still photos and seek new perspectives. The naturalness is in motion and spontaneity. And above all do not be perched obsessions with "universal" no boyfriends and pictures for everyone.
  • And last but not least, relax and smile. At the end of the day is the happiest day of your lives, so show!

Tips look handsome in wedding photos

The photographs are the lasting memory of the most important day of your life. However many boyfriends when they see their wedding photos not just be happy with the result.

While we've talked about the importance of choosing a professional, we can not leave all the responsibility for the outcome of the photographic in their hands. Makeup and light are fundamental aspects to be when the wedding pictures.
Tips look handsome in wedding photos

Some tricks and tips when applying makeup:
  • The first thing you must remember is that the flash emphasizes all the irregularities of the face. Applied a foundation as close to your skin tone to cover imperfections. The base should be matt to avoid glare. The translucent powder provide a superb finish.
  • Artificial light tends to yellow so if the photos will be taken at dusk or at night you will have to use pink shades that help balance the color.
  • Pay attention to the eyebrows. These are part of the eyes and define facial expression. Definite using eye shadow to the color of hair and a brush.
  • If the photographs are black and white traits should be more marked, so the pastels are not a good idea. In contrast to reports in color pastel tones look very natural.
  • Note that the picture tends to flatten the figures. The eye mask and a good lip liner will accentuate your expression. False eyelashes are also a good option.
  • Applied a lipstick long-lasting matte finish (again shunning the glare).
You must bear in mind that a poorly applied makeup or too little can detract from the photos so it is essential to use by both the bride and groom. It is best to seek professional and perform several tests in advance.

How to Split the Wedding Budget

If you're plan a wedding in the near future, maybe you must be know how to split the wedding budget because wedding traditions have changed over the last years, but ... What were formerly divided and how the cost of a marriage between the families of the spouses?
How to Split the Wedding Budget

The new social-cultural situation has led to a significant change in the usages and traditions of the wedding. Often couples begin their life together before marriage and then comes the wedding, without being a condition for life as a couple, or tax issues and legal or practical with it.

While traditionally were the parents of the couple who ran the cost of the wedding, this practice is increasingly parked by the greater economic independence of the intending spouses.

However, it is interesting to review economic costs generated enters the family of the groom and the bride.

The groom and his family:
  • The engagement ring and wedding rings
  • The expenses for the ceremony (donation of the church or expenses of the proceedings)
  • The bride's bouquet
  • The honeymoon
  • the banquet
  • The basic furniture for the house of the future spouses
The bride and her family:
  • The gift to the future groom exchange engagement ring
  • The wedding dress
  • The headdress and hairdressing
  • The bride's trousseau and household
  • Wedding Invitations and details for the guests.
  • Floral arrangements and music
  • The rental car (if any)

Budget Wedding Ideas

Weddings there are for every budget. If your budget is tight here you will find some tips that will allow you to save on costs without giving up a wedding.
Budget Wedding Ideas
"Budget Wedding Ideas"

The most important thing when planning a wedding is to define what we both think you should not miss. The purpose of conducting a budget is to save, so then we give a few tips that will help reduce the cost of your wedding:
  • However at a lower budget can really afford.
  • Determined that is most important about it and seek and Compare prices. When the bottom line is tied to how much you can see budget for other details.
  • Limited the number of guests.
  • Decanted by seasonal flowers for decoration.
  • A DJ comes out better value than an orchestra.
  • Do yourself invitations and wedding details.
  • If the wedding is late you can hold a cocktail buffet.
  • Before starting to move to find places to celebrate the feast and the link Utilize portals and websites like this to gather information without the need for travel.
  • Limited the cost of the bride's gown. If you in love signature of a suit you can always take a picture to a tailor and so I will better the price.

On Sunday Wedding Ceremony

More and more grooms are looking for new possibilities when choosing your wedding day, offers cheaper or free dates are the most common causes.
On Sunday Wedding Ceremony

The difficulty encountered by many couples at the time of choosing the dates of the year leading to marry has led to clients and professionals to modify preferences and enter into a new range of possibilities.

The offer is very extensive, with great advantages for both parties, so each time accordingly earn more positions, such as the wedding on Sunday (lunch) in which the enjoy place and photos both day and night may in here surprise your guests with a cocktail-dinner snack at night.

Making unique wedding and different

Every couple dreams of a special wedding, but how? In this article we give you some ideas.

To answer this question with the Department Customer Management whose function is in addition to providing comprehensive event management, help couples personalize their wedding by giving them ideas, listening to their proposals and promoting their initiatives.
Making unique wedding and different

In short, the little things denote significant differences. Some ideas very well received by the partners are:

- Give a flower to the arrival of the ladies.
- Perfume wedding with your favorite essence.
- To guide the guests through a path of petals into the cocktail.
- Ambientar the cocktail to the sound of the saxophone.
- Customize installations with pictures of friends and family.
- Place cards of thanks on the cover of each diner.
- Deal flares among the guests for the dance primier ...

Choosing the location wedding ceremony

What is the most important factor in choosing the place of your wedding ceremony? Here are some tips that we hope will help.
Choosing the location wedding ceremony
Restoration is a decisive factor when choosing the venue of the wedding and being aware of it, is essential based on four key factors: Quality, Quantity, Presentation and Tradition.

Today an excellent restoration is not sufficient, it must include small details that impact positively on the guests and cocktail bar, fun and personalized menus for children. The element of surprise to the guests contribute significantly to achieving a successful wedding.

Married couple detail

In any wedding, the newlyweds usually give a detail of wedding guests ... but what to give for it right? Here are some clues.
Married couple detail

The breakdown of marriage is usually a card with the names of the couple and the date of the link. Usually tend to give sugared almonds, chocolates or dried flowers, but now offer many different details and perhaps more memorable.

What tends to happen with the details of a wedding (as you have given) is not of any use, ie it can not be reused later. Thus, a good suggestion to give as wedding detail is a keychain with a reason or a small wedding photo frame or a CD with wedding songs ... all with the intent of the detail, the purpose is to recall the link of the couple, not be forgotten.

Weddings transport tips

At many weddings the bride and groom prefer to put coaches available to guests so they can enjoy quiet the big event. For the couple there is a large supply of wedding cars.
Weddings transport tips

The bride arrives to the event in a special car (there are many companies that rent luxury cars, vintage, etc.) and also decorated for the occasion. In that drive, accompanied by his father and godfather, who is the driver of the vehicle.

After the ceremony, is the same car but now with the newlyweds, who accompanies them to the reception.

If we talk about the transportation of other guests, it is important to explain that for the wedding and / or the banquet held in a place far from the residence of the guests have the option of renting a bus, for a price not very high picks up guests at a specific point and returns to that same point. This option is highly recommended given that at a wedding you drink more alcohol than usual and it is not advisable to drive with a few drinks.

Wedding dresses 2012, the choosing tips

If you're getting married and you're starting to get dressed for the occasion, make for these practical and valuable tips that we present below.
Wedding dresses 2012, the choosing tips
First, take your time and look so easy, start searching slowly but surely, some six months before the wedding. You can check the websites of the most famous bridal houses to get an idea of what the style that you think suits you. Then ask all your friends known and already married where you bought your wedding dress: you will get answers more than succulent.

In the big names in wedding dress what usually happens is you pay for advertising that the brand has, that is, pay the fact that the dress is a firm known and clothing prices soar. We are talking about amounts of from $3,000 on, and that's just the dress.

But if you decide to decant by outlets or simple bridal shops, you'll find your dream dress safe and not have as much advertising the brand, surely much cheaper and therefore less quality. The basic advice is to look hard and listen to people who have already been married. The result may not be immediate but satisfactory, taking into account that in addition to clothing, we buy all the accessories that accompany it, such as veil, headdress, stockings, shoes and etc.

Wedding Hairstyles 2012

Wedding Hairstyles is governed by the personal style of each, wedding hairstyles are an important aspect of the stars that look on your big day.
Wedding Hairstyles 2012
It is traditional for the bride to let their hair grow to be able to make a hairstyle worn on her wedding day. By contrast, the groom's hair becomes less important as the men usually wear their hair short and does not require much arrangement as that of a woman.

According to the expert advice and in line with the dress she will wear the bride and her face, by choosing a hairstyle or other that fits these parameters. There are classic wedding hairstyles and more daring, hair loose and we have the hits, which usually go to match the dresses or the flowers in the bouquet. Thus, the hairdresser can drop from rhinestone tiaras with small pebbles to small wreaths or flowers pinned with jewelry and pins in her hair.

The bride asks hair appointment where you fix your hair two weeks before the wedding and that's when you make a simulation of what will be styling. In this way you will know the outcome and so the wedding day will be safe. It is best to seek advice.

Gown when invited to a wedding ceremony

Tips to consider for your dress or gown if you are invited to a wedding, depending on the time and the time of year when the bond is held.
Gown when invited to a wedding ceremony

Among the guests, the more they have to anticipate all circumstances in which the wedding will occur as women, because they are the ones that carry more accessories: jewelry, handbags and shoes. Thus, the basic rules to blend if you go to a wedding as guest are: if the wedding is morning or afternoon you can go short or long, but if the wedding is evening / night, you should go long. Another thing to consider is that no outfit should be a color similar to what a bride would wear conventional, ie, raw or white to champagne, from even a shade of pink.

It is also worth bearing in mind that if you make a church wedding, it is often recommended that if a woman has sundress, use a scarf to cover the most low-cut slightly out of respect to a place of worship.

In the case of men, and if required in the invitation, witnesses or relatives of the groom are some cutaway to request or court dress normal, all depending on whether it wanted to groom.