Tips look handsome in wedding photos

The photographs are the lasting memory of the most important day of your life. However many boyfriends when they see their wedding photos not just be happy with the result.

While we've talked about the importance of choosing a professional, we can not leave all the responsibility for the outcome of the photographic in their hands. Makeup and light are fundamental aspects to be when the wedding pictures.
Tips look handsome in wedding photos

Some tricks and tips when applying makeup:
  • The first thing you must remember is that the flash emphasizes all the irregularities of the face. Applied a foundation as close to your skin tone to cover imperfections. The base should be matt to avoid glare. The translucent powder provide a superb finish.
  • Artificial light tends to yellow so if the photos will be taken at dusk or at night you will have to use pink shades that help balance the color.
  • Pay attention to the eyebrows. These are part of the eyes and define facial expression. Definite using eye shadow to the color of hair and a brush.
  • If the photographs are black and white traits should be more marked, so the pastels are not a good idea. In contrast to reports in color pastel tones look very natural.
  • Note that the picture tends to flatten the figures. The eye mask and a good lip liner will accentuate your expression. False eyelashes are also a good option.
  • Applied a lipstick long-lasting matte finish (again shunning the glare).
You must bear in mind that a poorly applied makeup or too little can detract from the photos so it is essential to use by both the bride and groom. It is best to seek professional and perform several tests in advance.
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