Floral Decoration on Wedding Ceremony

The floral decoration on wedding ceremony is one of the most important details of the wedding because of its visibility, and who will accompany us throughout the ceremony. Particular care must be taken in the church and where the banquet will be held.
Floral Decoration on Wedding Ceremony

One thing to realize from the moment you reserve the date for the wedding are the possibilities or allow the location of the ceremony, both floral decoration, and for photographic shoots.

It is advisable to study the site where the couple will be located to take advantage of all its qualities. And it is not the same a small and cozy chapel in a remote village to a modern church or a court of a great city, for example.

The most common in countries with four seasons, is to use seasonal flowers, more consistent over time and with the kind of dress chosen. Of all the flowers used are roses, lilies and crape myrtle which combined with lower order flowers and imported ones, they get a result elegant and delicate. As for the colors of the flowers should opt for light colors and bright, natural light and give clarity to the site.

The star among all these ornaments is the centerpiece, to be drawn with colored flowers line to the place of the banquet, while taking into account the lighting and arrangement of the tables. It is recommended that the centerpiece is not very high for not reducing the visibility among the guests. The most important tables or care why should avail centerpieces austere and inconspicuous.

Another resource that may accompany decorative flowers is the candlestick, that they look light and slender, make a stir among the guests.
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