Rings and Alianzas, symbols of marriage

The wedding ring as the earnest part of the basic symbols of the union between the couple. The rings represent the linking their lives and the pledge represent the act of sharing will be given in marriage.
Rings and Alianzas, symbols of marriage

The rings are a key part of any wedding. They are the quintessential symbol of this event, and also called alliances. In one part of the ceremony the bride and groom exchange them as gifts, but can also be a symbolic gift from someone very close to the family.

The wedding rings can be of many types and materials, classic or modern, and in any case the choice depends on the taste of the couple. They can be placed on both the right and the left. Sometimes the rings are brought to where the couple found a small child by the family that is in the celebration.

Regarding the deposit, these are some coins that symbolize the sharing of goods by the groom and the woman to be produced from the time when the marriage is consummated. The pledge also are delivered by a person close to the couple.
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